What we learn about the coalition agreement of the coming government portends a revolution in Israel. For the first time in many decades, reforms will be carried out in the judiciary, the police, and other branches of government. A revolution in television took place even before the last elections: two channels, 13 and 14, began to objectively inform viewers about events and discuss real problems. The monopoly of the left in the media is over. We wish success to the new government in its vital reforms.

There is a known method of massive brainwashing when there are much more liars than those who tell the truth. This is the method of Hitler and Goebbels. We have experienced this in Israel in recent years. But in the end, the people figured out what was what and said their words. Now we are all waiting for the right to keep its promises and finally start the fight against left corruption: in the courts, the police, the army, the media, and other branches of government. This is the essence of the Israeli revolution, which I hope will begin right now.