Karl Marx deceived his followers, and then all of humankind.

In his «class theory», he forgot to mention the existence of the main ruling class, which is called «power», or bureaucracy. To seal the deception, Marx declared that «the state is not a class.»

One can agree that the state apparatus is not a single power. There are other branches of power, for example, the media, political parties, the church, local government. However, the entire state apparatus is part of the power, respectively, part of the bureaucratic class.

Karl was the dissolute son of Heinrich Marx, a respected lawyer. To maintain his position in the court, Heinrich Marx converted from Judaism to Lutheranism and became an ardent patriot of Prussia.

In other words, Karl Marx came from the social class whose existence he denied. Another thing is that he “did not fit” into his social class and became a declassed revolutionary.

A similar story happened with Lenin and with Hitler. Both failed to make a career in the bureaucratic apparatus that their fathers belonged to and became revolutionary politicians.

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In the most ancient times, the first officials were military leaders, tribal leaders, and shamans. All of today’s branches of government and the powerful ruling class, the bureaucracy, grew out of them.

And in these same ancient times, another ruling class emerged, which I call the «independent rich», or simply the rich. The influence and power that money gives, is undeniable.

From then until today, these two ruling classes, the rich and the officials, exist in symbiosis and simultaneously compete with each other. This state of the ruling classes fits very precisely into Hegel’s scheme, which spoke of «the unity and struggle of opposites.»

In addition to the direct power of money over the people dependent on it, the rich buy officials, and in this way gain even more power. Officials try to resist the rich, to assert their own independent power, by making «revolutions» or establishing a dictatorship.


A democratic, especially a parliamentary political system is beneficial to the rich because democratic politicians are bought more easily and cheaper than arrogant dictators.

The media «follow the money,» in the words of Noam Chomsky. Chomsky is silent that professors, including him personally, also follow the money. For this reason, Chomsky became an enemy of Israel.

And the Vatican and the Pope follow the money.

All this does not mean that the dictatorship of officials is better than the «democracy» of the rich. Marx’s idea of ​​a «dictatorship of the proletariat» was embodied in the Russian Empire in the form of a dictatorship of declassed revolutionaries who turned into a party «nomenklatura», the NKVD, and centrally controlled media and culture.

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The “normative” society includes the two ruling classes mentioned above and the majority subordinate to them. This majority is not passive either, it is trying to free itself from excessive exploitation, which is imposed by both ruling classes through joint efforts. Despite the eternal rivalry, in relation to the majority, the «power» and the «rich» act mostly in concert.

The idea of ​​Karl Marx’s «proletarian revolution» was that the revolutionaries would take advantage of the class struggle of the workers against the rich and climb into power on the backs of the workers.

Practically, this was done in Russia, but not so exactly.  Here we must ignore the fact that the soldiers, the driving force of the Russian revolution, were mostly declassed peasants.

Marx’s idea did not work anywhere else. In China, Cuba, and other countries of «victorious socialism,» workers almost did not participate in the revolution. In Europe and the USA, the workers’ movement founded by Engels followed the path of democracy, not of revolution and the «dictatorship of the proletariat.»


When the rich buy up officials, politicians, the media, judges, ideologists (including clergy and professors), policemen, and the military en masse, it means nothing more than a society of universal corruption. The exploited majority is most interested in defeating corruption. That is, the fight against corruption, if someone wages it, is a class struggle.


So, both the «dictatorship of the proletariat» and the corrupt «democracy» lead society into a crisis.

Neoconservatives believe that it is enough to reduce the interference of the state (that is, officials) in the economy, and the market mechanism will settle everything by itself. In fact, the «free market» disappeared before our eyes. All prices are agreed upon, the «free play of market forces» ended, apparently, forever.

Trade unions protect only the strongest and most organized workers, who can block the entire economy if they wish. The privileges successfully pursued by unions deprive the vulnerable majority.

In recent decades, a new blow has collapsed on our heads, globalism. The tycoons have enough money to successfully corrupt the authorities of all states on the planet.

The rich go beyond the national states. The tandem of the rich and the authorities, which in the past ensured the stability of nation-states, has been largely disrupted.

To maintain power, nationalists are forced, following the example of Marx, to seek support from the dependent majority. Unexpectedly for themselves, the nationalists turned out to be socially oriented, while the former «defenders of the people», the left, were sold to the globalist exploiters.


So, what should we, the endangered peoples, do?

All we can do is to implement the democracy of the majority against all exploiters. Vote for those politicians who have proven that they really intend to fight corruption. In Israel, just right-wing politicians have shown such intentions, at least in words.

And then we really need to implement radical democratic reforms to end corruption. What is the essence of the proposed reforms?

It is necessary to put under the direct control of voters, first of all, those branches of power whose responsibility is to fight corruption.

For example, all judges will have to go through the election process in order to take or keep their office.

The highest ranks of the police will also have to be elected at the elections. Once in office, these officials will be empowered to deal with corruption both within and outside the police force. If they do not cope, then in the next elections we, the majority, will give them a ride.

The Social Security Service of Israel, which is not considered a government agency, will be run by people that we, the majority, elect. So is the tax office.

In spite of the media and the masters of worldwide social networks, we will create a public social network with a news site, which will be run by people elected by the majority. This will be followed by public television, on the same principle of elected leadership.

In the future, let consider options for the transfer of other bureaucratic departments and branches of government under the democratic control of voters.

Finally, the consumer protection society must receive ongoing funding from the government as a percentage of the annual budget, and be governed by the people we elect.

This society will be able to replace trade unions as the protector of the majority. It will control the prices and quality of consumer goods and services. After that, the rights of trade unions, and especially the right to strike, can be reduced.


Without waiting for the above, the Knesset (parliament) should legally ban «personal» parties like the parties of Yair Lapid and Lieberman. An intra-party dictatorship is incompatible with a majority democracy. It turned out that such «personal» parties are pursuing the line of globalists aimed at destroying democratic nation-states.

To protect our social and national rights, we need to support the national democratic state as opposed to globalists and “our” corrupt officials.

In order to implement such an anti-corruption, democratic, and social program, the leaders must dare to propose universal democratization as an electoral slogan.