Both Georgia and Ukraine have been subjected to unprovoked Russian aggression. The “prosperity” of Russia was lost by its leaders in an arms race and in wars. Putin stepped on the same rake as the leaders of the USSR.

Despite oil revenues, the people of Russia vegetate, especially in the wilderness, and this is the majority of Russians. Russians fill their despair with vodka. To ward off the wrath of the people, Putin starts wars against an external «enemy». Weak Ukraine was chosen as the enemy.

In Russia, those who oppose the war are arrested, and in Ukraine, those who are in favor of the occupation are not yet arrested. They are a minority, but they are entitled to their opinion.

Putin counted on them when he plotted his crime against humanity. Now he has arrested those who misinformed him about the number of traitors. As is usually the case with dictators, subordinates told him what he wanted to hear. Don’t spit on the mirror, Putin, your face is crooked.