Jews never gone from the Holy Land, despite of slaughter, persecutions and settling of Muslims and Christians. After Roman Empire «Nakba», Crusaders, Mamluks and Turks made efforts to wipe the Jews out of Palestine. In the course of last 1.000 years they persecuted and slaughtered both local «Mustaarab» (Arabized) and Zionist Jews.

The Palestinians are mostly descendants of Arab, Muslim and Christian settlers from 16 to 20-th centuries, settled there by Turks and Egypt with the purpose to replace the Jews. Ashkenazi and Spanish Jewish settlers joined LOCAL «Mustaarab» Jews starting from 15 century CE, simultaneously or before Turks settled Palestine by their Muslim, Christian and Druze subjects. 

Local («Arabized») Jews joined urban communities of Sephardic Jews because of the Turks and Palestinians forced Jewish peasants to give up their land to Muslim neighbors and to leave their villages under the threat of murder or famine. Palestinians staged mass pogroms of Jews in 1834, 70 years earlier than Russia (1905) began to smash their Jews. As the result the Jews from Safed and  villages of Galilee fled to Haifa and Jerusalem, where security was provided by the consuls of the European powers. From Gaza, where Jews lived from ancient times, they (we) were driven out twenty years earlier. The «Khaluka», that is, the help of the Jews of diaspora,  saved Jewish «internal» refugees from the starvation.

By the way, all the foregoing means that the Jews were permanent residents of Palestine long before Theodore Herzl declared his Jewish state in Uganda.

In the course of last 1.000 years Jews remained in the country as a persecuted minority. In the course of 19-20 century , Ashkenazi Jews bought a part of this land paying high price.

Israel is our land, it remained our land in the course of all 2.000 years after Nakba by Roman Empire. Zionism lasts at least 1.000 years, long before modern Zionism even rose, and despite of robbery and murder of the Jews by Palestinians, local lords and conquerors of all sorts. The Jews were Palestine inhabitants long BEFORE modern Zionism started. Our right to Palestine land is natural right of LOCAL people.

Thus, the Jews do have legal right to (at least part of) the Holy Land, for 3 reasons:
1.First, the Jews were and always remained part of local population, a sort of Middle East «Indians». That is, the Jews have the right to Palestine on the same legal basis, that Palestinians do, the natural right of LOCAL inhabitants.
2.Secondly, the (European) Jews have purchased a part of territory, paying in exchange full price, which exceeded European prices for 1:10.
3.In the course of 1948-49 war, Palestinians fled some parts of All Palestine land. In their place settled Jewish refugees from Arab lands and Europe. These refugees were deprived from a huge property in both Europe and Arab lands.
Now, Europe and Arab League have to compensate this lost Jewish property. Unless they don’t compensate Jews, they are due to compensate Palestinians for their lost lands. For example, to help Palestinians get settled at their present places, first of all in All Palestine (that is in Jordan, West Bank and Gaza). And to give Palestinians full human rights and citizenship in all other Arab states, which are responsible for both Palestinian and Jewish refuge problem.

Actually, Jews purchased and captured by force some 17% of All Palestine territory. Arabs, not Jews have offended Palestinians and stole their land. The land that the Jews possess belongs to them legally. The war between Jews and Palestinians is for islamist benefit, it harms both the Jews and Palestinians.

3 Комментарии

  1. Aaron (Автор записи)

    After expelling Crusaders, Muslim rulers prevented Jews from re-settling Palestine. While first Turkish sultans were positive towards the Jews expelled from Europe, the last sultans strictly forbade Jewish settling in Palestine. Simultaneously, various Muslim rulers encouraged Muslim settling there. Therefore, most of current Palestinian population are descendants of the settlers from various Muslim countries, first of all from Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Arabia. In addition, there were Circassian, Kurdish, Iraqi, Bosnian, Moroccan etc settlers. For example, Moroccan neighborhood and Mughrabi Gate of Jerusalem, Circassian villages like Abu Ghosh, Christian and Druze villages of Galilee, whose ancestors came from Lebanon, etc etc. The Palestinians are largely aware of their ancestors’ origin. Nevertheless, some villages of Judea and Galilee trace their origin from the Jews, but they try to hide their «shame».

  2. Aaron (Автор записи)

    Romans, Muslims, Turks etc slaughtered, expelled the Jews from Palestine and prevented their return. Nevertheless some Jews survived in this land. Zionism started long before most of Palestinians settled this emptied territory. The Ashkenazi Jews started to settle in Palestine mostly since 16 century, despite of Turkish ban. Finally, Ashkenazi Jews have purchased large part of Palestine paying high price for it. Oriental and Spanish Jews arrived to Palestine since Crusades. Finally, there was exchange of refugees between Israel and Arab states who invaded Palestine in 1948. The Jews do have legal right to live in Israel.

  3. Aaron (Автор записи)

    The League of Nations Mandate When the League of Nations conferred the Mandate for Palestine upon Great Britain in 1922, it expressly stipulated that «The Administration of Palestine . . . shall encourage, in cooperation with the Jewish Agency . . . close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not acquired for public purposes» (Article 6), and that it «shall introduce a land system appropriate to the needs of the country, having regard, among other things, to the desirability of promoting the close settlement and intensive cultivation of the land.» (Article 11) British policy, however, followed a different course, deferring to the extremist Arab opposition to the above-mentioned provision of the Mandate. Of some 750,000 dunams of cultivable State lands, 350,000, or nearly half, had been allotted by 1949 to Arabs and only 17,000 dunams to Jews. This was in clear violation of the terms of the Mandate.
    six families, of whom two lived in Syria, received a combined area of about 7,000 dunams; four families (some living in Egypt) received a combined area of 3,496 dunams; another received 3,450 and yet another, 1,350. Thus the Ghor-Mudawwarra Agreement was instrumental in creating a new group of large landowners. Possessing huge tracts, most of which they were unable to till, these owners began to sell the surplus lands at speculative prices.
    hundreds of millions of dollars were paid by Jewish buyers to Arab landowners. Official records show that in 1933 £854,796 was paid by Jewish individuals and organizations for Arab land, mostly large estates; in 1934 the figure was £1,647,836 and in 1935, £1,699,488. Thus, in the course of only three years £4,202,180 (more than 20 million dollars at the prevailing rate of exchange) was paid out to Arab landowners (Palestine Royal Commission Report, 1937). To understand the magnitude of the prices paid for these lands, we need only look at some comparative figures. In 1944, Jews paid between $1,000 and $1,100 per acre in Palestine, mostly for arid or semi-arid land; in the same year rich black soil in the state of Iowa was selling for about $110 per acre (U.S. Department of Agriculture).
    Effects on Arab Population In those instances where as a result of such transactions Arab tenant-farmers were displaced (on one year’s notice), compensation in cash or other land was paid, as required by the 1922 Protection of Cultivators Ordinance; the Jewish land-buying associations often paid more than the law required (Pollack and Boehm, The Keren Kayemeth Le-Israel). Of 688 such tenants between 1920 and 1930, 526 remained in agricultural occupations, some 400 of them finding other land (Palestine Royal Commission Report, 1937, Chapter 9, para. 61).

    Jews purchasing land in Palestine have had no means to force Arab tenants from their land. Instead, such force possessed British authorities, cooperating with Arab landlords. Both Jews who paid for land, and Arab tenants fell victims of this large-scale scam.

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